PM Imran Khan Launched Rahmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship
PM Imran Khan Launched Rahmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship |
PM Imran Khan launched Rahmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship at the federal level to provide access to undergraduate education to students from low-income families. The scholarship is launched for low income families across the country and scholarships will be given on merit to support needy students.
The government has approved a budget of rupees 27.93 million for this national level program which will be used in the next five years. This scholarship will be implemented in 129 public sectors universities across the country and 69,000 scholarships will be given during this year.
50,000 scholarships will be given annually to the students of underprivileged segments of society access across the country. 50% scholarships will be given to female students and 2% scholarships will be given to specific students.
In addition to the Rahmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship Program at the national level, the provinces are also implementing Rahmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship programs at the provincial level. The total budget approved for this program in Punjab is rupees 1.0 billion annually. Rahmatul-Lil Alameen Scholarship Program will also be implemented in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The total budget for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is rupees 427 million annually.
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